Street Cry, in collaboration with artists in Ireland in 2023-2024, raised funds and consciousness for programs dealing with Domestic Violence, Sexual Violence, Disabilities, Housing Instability, and the Irish Red Cross.

Street Cry events in collaboration with City Lore, New York City, 2020 - 2023

Click to watch videos. (60 min)

Street Cry events in collaboration with Sarah Lawrence College Department of Theatre & Civic Engagement, New York, 2021, on Zoom

Street Cry Writing Workshops

Your voice. Your story. The ride of the read. The thumbprint of your voice. Write to heal. Let’s hear it. What do you have to say? How do you want to say it? What story do you most need to tell next? Fa’What?!

To find out about upcoming writing workshops, email: StreetCryIncorporated(at)gmail(dot)com

Rosa Rachele Award

StreetCry offers a memorial scholarship in transformational mentorship, one-on-one coaching in writing, oratory, performance, and goal achievement strategies. This award honors sparkle through struggle, creative tenacity in healing, and focused work ethic in artistic endeavors; in effect, to mend the earth, our spirits, and each other.

Rosa Rachele Awardee 2021


“One must remember the medicine of ancestors, community, and Spirit. We must pay it forward if we wish to be unbound and unshackled.”

Born in Jersey City, NJ ‘Chilltown,’ Shayla D. Cook aka Mubi Atai, is a Creative Intuitive with a B.A. in English, and concentration in Creative Writing from New Jersey City University. A visual artist since age eight, Mubi Atai thrived to transform her multiple traumas and identity as an African-American lesbian, by coloring the world with poems, prose, and acrylic paint. Her keen sense of creativity allows innovative ways to approach social issues with safety to establish communal and planetary healing. The artist has several years of experience working with youth to raise awareness of health and wellness, self-advocacy, academia, leadership, and professionalism. A s a proud PEP/NJCU Alum, Mubi Atai believes, “One must remember the medicine of ancestors, community, and Spirit. We must pay it forward if we wish to be unbound and unshackled.”